Friday, September 21, 2007


So here I sit at an LGA bar (that's La Guardia and not the Lesbian, Gay Association from your college (Note: NO ONE FROM COLLEGE READS THIS)) on the way to Cleveland drinking a nice Sam Adam's Octoberfest (Rocktober fest if I am feeling feisty and queer)... Anyway, figured this was the appropriate forum to note Mr. Confidence who just sat down two bar stools from me.. Now Mr. Confidence is currently rocking a golf shirt, the glasses on the face, sunglasses on the head, and mustache presentation... As if to further endorse his current outward persona, he walked up to the bar whistling the theme to what might have been the Andy Griffith show, but probably was just his mashup/remix version of it... and then ordered some buffalo wings and an Amstel Light... I may ask him to marry me very soon...

Cheers till we write again.


Andrew said...

If loving Buffalo wings and Amstel Light together is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Greg Tito said...

I had an Octoberfest this weekend. I think it contributed to me puking in the woods 6 hours later.