Monday, April 25, 2005

When you are critical, then make lemonade...

It all started a week ago when I commented on a buddy of mine's own blog. I was critical of the content of one of his postings and let him and its subject know it. But something did not sit quite right with me about the situation. I mean there he was just posting about his everyday life and there I was like a shark on blood going for the layup by attacking his musings without really putting myself out there for public analysis myself.

So after a little liquid courage, here I sit, laptop at my knees (away from the crotch as to not cause me to be sterile) ready to reveal to the world my inner most thoughts. I cannot promise much to be honest with you, kind reader. Most of the time, I am just a hyper guy who is never happy with anything that I do or accomplish. I am always searching whether it be for the meaning of life, my next career twist, or my house keys and wallet which I lose on average once a day... But hopefully, I will write atleast once a week and you will read... (and by you, I mean Greg, Dan, and Ian cause I really don't think anyone else out there in Blog obsession land gives two pints of piss about some angry Nutmegger who moved to NYC and now just wants to punch most of the people he sees on the subway platform in the throat)

OH what I forgot to mention is that I am angry, always. I have been angry for atleast the 11 years ago. What triggered this anger is really unknown to me but I think that it has to do with not being happy. As a result, I basically spend most of my day being unhappy and then getting angry about being unhappy which of course leads me to become angrier... it is a recipe for success if there ever was one.

So I leave you with that as the intro... what comes next is anyone's guess, but I am pretty sure I will be pissed off with whatever it is...

1 comment:

Greg Tito said...

Best blog EVAH.

Seriously, you've been reading too many columnist lately. You've got the style down. It makes me laugh and cry and puke all at the same time.

Never mind the typos, you are the shiznit, P Diddy.