Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Idle Thoughts Regarding Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Loneliness

What up fuckers!!! I know that each and everyone of you stopped checking my page out weeks ago when I went on a bit of a hiatus, but I am here to announce that I am back atleast until I decide to disappear again. I wish I had a great excuse or some crazy story to tell in order to explain why I decided to lay low for awhile like I went to rehab, robbed a bank, or did both. Unfortunately there are not any great adventures nor are there any excuses, I just kind of got bored with writing for awhile... I guess like my life, my blog is meant to have its ups and downs i.e. periods of writing and periods of abandonment.

However, I am back...until I become a cheesehead... (that's coke slang people)

So let me cover some thoughts while I got my proverbial groove on...

1. First and foremost, I just want to take a moment to comment on how incredible the weather has been for the majority of November. I was actually going write about this about a week ago because as I have stated in the past, I hate when people complain about the weather. Mainly because, there is nothing you can do about the weather so when you wake up in the morning just make the best of it. Granted this is coming from the kid who did crew for 10+ years of his life and thus rowed through sleet, snow, lightning, and rain, LOTS OF GOD DAMN RAIN.... And sure people certainly have a good faith basis to complain when it rains for eight days straight like it did a few weeks ago as thoughts turn to basement's flooding, sky lights leaking, hairdo's frizzing, and small dogs and children floating off into the abyss (not a hurricane joke), but in the end, it's rain not the end of the world. Of course if the world ends because of rain in the near future, I will be the first one to be blamed or maybe it will be that mother fucker who writes the Farmer's Almanac, I mean, he probably knows the end is near already.

But in November, we have experienced what I would describe as pure bliss. I mean the days and nights have been warm extending Indian Summer well into what should be a colder times. As a result, I have been able to actually get out there and do many more runs outside with minimal layers. In fact it has been so unseasonably warm that many of the entrants in the New York City Marathon held two weekends ago struggled to finish due to the heat that slowly gripped the day.

Anyway since the majority of us spend our time bitching about the weather, I figured I would simply say thank you, weather, for the a nice patch of November you have provided us. We will soon hate you when we have twelve inches of snow on the ground.

2. A quick congratulations goes out to my buddy, Bob Jingle, who has been going through an extraordinarily busy and stressful period in his life as he is currently trying to edit a short film, appear at gigs for his burgeoning comedy career, write for his video game magazines, work, and OH YEAH, be married. In fact, today, BJ and the wifey are celebrating there second wedding anniversary... As I have said in the past, I am not there yet, which is probably for the best since I am fucken nuts, but Bob and Ms. Jingle are perfect for each other so cheers to them. (Atleast until the next time, Ms Jingle yells at us for smoking while she is drunk and smoking in her kitchen with the window open.)

3. A new entry to the world of blog can be found here. This old friend is a law school pal of mine, who slowly but surely has reappeared in my life since I moved to this great City of mine. PAF's recent entry about debt is spot on as right now I am well over one hundred thousand dollars in debt mainly due to school and my obsession with the illegal infant slave trade. (I figure the FBI/CIA or whomever is out there already got tabs on me so why not throw out some real bull shit for them to chew on.) The thought of my own personal debt makes me want to vomit most of the time, and it is great to know that I am soon going to have sell my soul or possibly all my worldy possessions simply to break even someday. At the very least, I will have to sell out and go for a big money law job, something that I am really looking forward kind of like how the Jews look forward to the return of Hitler. (I am sure that PAF is now happy that I plugged her blog while making a Hitler joke.)

Anyway, check her out or rather read her blog. (She has a boyfriend, people, don't check her out, perverts.)

4. In sports news, I am planning on running a Spring marathon with a couple of buddies from high school, who I rowed with as youths, pronounced UTES. These guys basically run Iron Man competitions in their spare time so I am sure that I should do just fine against them. Actually, I have always been the faster of the three in road racing mainly because I am lighter than they are, but we shall see. I believe that our collective goal may be less about beating each other and more about qualifying for Boston, but I am sure it all goes out the window once we get on that line. Good luck suckers! And you know what they say in Occum...

5. Finally, a special person in my life is running their first marathon this weekend. Judging by the weather, it is hard to say what to expect, but I am confident that they will finish and thus accomplish a long time goal of theirs. I wish you the best of luck, but I am sure you will not need it.

To conclude, I guess for now that is all I got. I am trying to simplify alot of different aspects of my life as I approach the less than eight months to go mark for my current job. Honestly, although this job has provided me with many many opportunities and great experience, I am pretty burnt out and thus, am just trying to muscle through until next August. I think this burn out more than anything has really put a drain on any sort of ambition that I may have to write, run, or do anything that I actually find enjoyable.

I am doing my best to try and shake this case of the blahs... and as I do, I will try to keep writing about my adventures, which should be increasing tenfold during the coming holiday months... I mean atleast then I will have my family to make fun of right?

Further, I am planning on cooking my first ever turkey for my family for Thanksgiving, an idea that seemed to be a solid about a year ago but now as the big day approaches has created panic attack inducing anxiety... or is that anxiety that is panic attack inducing? Thankfully, my goal is simply not to kill the entire clan, maybe we will just have to sacrifice one to the turkey gods...

Till later... I am Lord Vader... nerd.

1 comment:

paige said...

I am the same amount in debt as you are. It's seriously depressing!