Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Insomnia Sucks

I knew it was going to happen this evening, and I did everything that I could to try to avoid it including going for a seven mile run and then having a couple of beers earlier this evening. But as I sat there in my bed, my mind started racing and I started thinking and like clockwork, my insomnia kicked in.

Now, I am actually pretty sure what I have is not insomnia since more often than not I have no problems falling asleep, but when this happens, it means that I basically will not be falling asleep until well into the morning hours. This lack of sleep would not be so bad if I could just lay around tomorrow but since I have to be at work bright an early, tonight's bout is putting a giant crimp in my plans for a productive work day. And unfortunately, once my mind goes on one of its wonderous rides, there is nothing I can do except sit there and lament about how I cannot fall asleep.

And what am I losing sleep you may ask? Well, actually tonight, there is a veritable catalog of things on my mind. First, I am thinking about my deposition tomorrow in which my witness, a police officer, is going to be deposed. This is case in which my officer went up to a vehicle in order to perform an arrest, at which point, the driver of the car, in which the plaintiff was a passenger, slammed the vehicle in reverse in order to flee and subsequently flipped the sucker. Of course, the plaintiff has sued for a variety of reasons and blamed the City for all of them. Now from my experience, I know that tomorrow is going to be an absolute war since my witness will have every aspect of his life called into question including but not limited to his morale character, personal intergrity, and age of onset (last part is not true, but I would not put it past my opposition.) As such, it is my job to make sure this does not happen and to protect my witness. So i got that on my mind...

Next, I have to write papers to oppose a motion in which all the other parties want to pin blame or liability on the City because the plaintiff sat in his chair at work (a City agency), reclined, and the chair snapped. Of course, this is the same chair that his fat ass had been sitting in for six months prior to the date of the accident, but of course, you guessed it, WE ARE TO BLAME. The best part about this case is that the accident happened in 1987 when I was in 4th grade. I am beginning to think that there should be a law preventing me from defending any cases that involve incidents which occured before I had pubic hair or atleast liked girls.

Finally, I have decided to throw in a glass of mulling over my life and all of its decisions just for good measure and in case, I decide not to think about my immediate plans for tomorrow...

Hopefully, by writing all of this down, I will now be able to fall asleep in the next hour or so or else I may be back here in an hour writing about the Red Sox 2005 season, porno, and people I hate...

Actually, I will most likely just whine about not falling asleep.


paige said...

You read my mind! I have occasional, but really bad bouts of insomnia. My mind reels as I think about the most ridiculous crap.

Greg Tito said...


Ian Savage said...

that shit about the 4th grade made me laugh.....laugh very hard.