Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Da Bears

The Chicago Bears are having a phenomenal season.

Now for those that follow along, one would think that since I am a Sox fan, I should also be a big fan of the Pats. Well, to be honest, where I grew up in CT, there was not a single friend that I had who had the Pats as their favorite team. Back then, the Giants ruled... or you simply liked some other team like the Cowboys or the Raiders. No one was really a Pats fan mainly because they sucked.

Of course, all of that changed when the Pats made the Super Bowl in 1985. Then, suddenly like all those Chicago White Sox "fans" this year, Pats' fans emerged from the woodwork acting like they had been there all along. I, however, did not understand... here was the team that no one ever talked about or watched. I mean here was the team that had SUCKED... why were these people now drinking the Kool-Aid.

And so, I decided to support the 1985 Bears. Now, there was a team. They had the greatest defense of all time... Jim McMahon and his fine producing head bands... Sweetness... The Fridge... Ditka... and of course, the Super Bowl Shuffle. Long before the Idiots on the Red Sox of 2004, Da Bears were the rock stars of their sport, and I loved them. (Plus, it helped that Dad loved the Packers, and a little rivalry between a father and a son is always a healthy thing.)

Now, twenty years later, I am still a Bears fan. Sure I love when the Pats win or the Giants have a great season like they are having (the Jets suck), but the Bears are my team so until they win again, I will not experience that true satisfaction of my football team winning the Big One.

Maybe this is the year... GO BEARS!!!

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