Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Little Promotion Never Hurt Nobody

In my life, I have come to the realization that I have some of the most amazing friends in the entire fucking world, who on daily basis do some really amazing shit. As I once wrote in an email, they find the time to use their creative talents for good instead of boredom.

Recently, two of these friends namely Savage and Bob Jingle of blogging fame entered a short film competition where they were given a genre in this case a western and had to make an entire short film using that genre from shot to edit to print in one weekend. Not surprisingly, the film they created called Hashslingers is now a finalist in this national competition. What can I say they do good shit...

Anyway, here is where the promotion comes in as they need your votes America in order to achieve their ultimate goal of World Domination. (Sure, they are both brilliant and evil....)

So do me a favor and yourselves, go to this site and vote for my friends... or don't and then, I will piss on your front lawn and send you shit in a tupperware container for Christmas....


Andrew said...

I've already voted, but could I still get the piss and shit combo for Xmas?

Greg Tito said...

Thanks for the shoutout my man. You are the best blogmate in the world!