Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Back in the USSR

Well here we are face to face a couple of silver spoons.. or maybe christmas has passed and I once again start to wonder why I ever left the Nutmeg State. I mean we all love where we grew up and yet love the fact that we never ended up like that kid who is the local firefighter and the bouncer at the tavern, but at the same time, I love my town. There is the running on the beaches, the cheap bars downtown, and the scores of ladies I get to reintroduce myself too who now are fat while I stayed skinny, actually not true but I cannot seem to get over the rules of engagement that defined my high school years. But in the end, I loved being home, and wonder why the concrete playground I currently live in is ever worth it. From what I have gathered, I am ready to have deformed children that cannot run a mile, but know why the Bodaga has cornered the all natural skin cream market... for this i am afraid..


Greg Tito said...

See this.

And this.

Andrew said...

Hometowns, I find, are best in small doses. At the holidays, many old friends are around, spirits are high, and the world just seems to slow down. In time, though, everything fades, and the old neighborhood seems to depress more than it uplifts.

That said, I still plan for a suburban existence once my current tenure runs its course.

Anonymous said...

I find it sad to go back to EL any more. They are trying to turn Rte. 161 into one giant strip mall and giant housing complexes are popping up every where. I wouldn't be surprised if they knock down the Thomas Lee House to make way for another pizza joint or hair salon. However, on the flip side, it is great fun to see how all the snotty rich kids are 30 pounds over weight, divorced with three kids, and stuck in a dead end job that they hate.