Monday, January 23, 2006

Where Has The Time Gone

So once I used to write on this sucker pretty regularly and then, the transit strike happened, the holidays came and went, and I slowly neglected my little blog more and more... and instead I developed an unhealthy and often criticized addiction to Anchorman.

But thankfully, I have found some time this evening while watching Hour Three of the 24 to get in a quick update and to announce a new direction and the plans for the next coming months for Putting Myself Out There.

Here is the update:

1. The transit strike: man did that really blow. I had to walk to work four miles in the snow up hill while barefoot. At least that is what I am going to tell my grandkids when I get old and pop out some young spankies. Enough has been written about the strike but all and all I thought it was a nice although cold opportunity to realize how much we depend on mass transit and yet how we each can survive when it disappears. Now, go hug each other...

2. Holidays: this year's Christmas festivities really stepped it up a notch. Not only did we each receive a lot more gifts than usual due to some unknown mutual fear of underbuying that gripped each us before the actual day, but also, we got a little crazy with the holiday libations. I blame the second part of that sentence on my mother who introduced a little drink called the Poinsettia to the mix. Basically, this drink as originally described was supposed to be a sublime combination of champagne and cranberry juice. My mother, however, decided to up the ante and add her own ingredient, vodka. Needless to say, it became readily apparent that as the evening progressed mom's secret ingredient became the evening's holiday cheer as all involved became quite intoxicated. Happily, mom's little creation kept us laughing long into that cold winter night... Man, ever since I stopped writing, I have become really really soft... I will take my skirt off now.

3. Moving: my parents are moving out of our childhood home. Man, does this one suck. This past weekend, I spent my time cleaning out both the attic and the basement and I will be back next weekend further emptying my home of childhood memories. It has been a truly difficult process as we are cleaning out a house that we have lived in for 21 years. It is definitely hard not to get nostalgic during the course of the whole thing and wonder if they are doing the right thing. I love my parents' new place, but I wonder if it will ever be quite the same. I guess they say that we will have to just make our new memories there. We shall see.

4. Running: today is the first day of my marathon training and also a great segue into the new focus for a lot of what I will be writing here in the next couple of months. As I stated a long long time ago, I love to run, and over the course of the next 18 weeks, I will be devoted to running the fastest marathon of my life. As such, I plan to write often or atleast weekly about how training has been going along with a splash of high comedy that is my daily encounters. We shall see how it all works out, but I think with a new focus, I may be able to post on a more consistent basis as I am sure you will love to hear about how much I hate the training that I am doing and how much pain I am because of it.

Soon enough my fragile little flowers.. soon enough...

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