Friday, May 13, 2005


No this will not be about how much my life sucked in middle school... But it will be about how I view the moment when the school system in my town adopted the middle school system and its homogenized learning methodologies to replace the junior high school as a turning point in my life and society in general... and how the everyone gets award midle school mentality has trickled down to my workplace...

Today as I sat at our daily meeting, my boss announced that people at my office have been complaining about the explicit language used on a daily basis in our office. At first, I became angered and then enraged because I could not believe that people were upset by the use of swears that have become common in the every day language... But then, I became explicitly saddened because I realized that this is all a derivative of the Middle Schoolization of our my society... As I sit here, everything in my life has lost the edge meaning that no matter what level I live in has, life has PC’ed itself as people are more concerned about meaningless bullshit like swearing... and how offensive this is to other people...

Back when there was a junior high school system, for the first time in the progression of your educational experience, performance mattered as kids were treated like yooung adults where they were rewarded for their successes and NOT rewarded when they screwed up. But by adopting the middle schoool system in my hometown and in the country as a whole, everyone got the shot at succeeding.

Although, I firmly believe that actually everyone can succeed, I think that the middle school process through its everyone succeeds philosophy actually provides a false sense of achievement in that instead of being able to realize that a student may not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, all of the kids become lumped together in one collosal piece of academic mediocrity.

Now, I understand how this seems to have zero to do with my problem with my job but in the end it has everything to do with it. This is because I believe that the Middle School mentality has permeated society and thus created a softening process where our Culture has become a little bit too conservative. Actually that is the wrong word, we have become too fucken concerned with making everyone happy because even though Lucy weighs 700 pounds, talks on her work phone all day and brings her kids in three times a week to work to run screaming around the office, heaven forbid if she hears one swear, the whole office will crumble and WE WILL FAIL. To be PC and to not offend your cube-mate has created an overall goal to achieve mediocrity as long as everyone is happy. And this is exactly what is now being taught to the students of our school systems. No longer are we taught that at some point you may have to work hard instead of making excuses for why you cannot cut it. But instead, the systems enables them to simply to exist in the pack without having to worry about success or failure. Then, when people end up in the Real World, they have to start making excuses about their own performance like there is too much swearing or my allergies are really bad today instead of actually working harder and getting the job done...


Greg Tito said...

Some editing may be in order here. What's with those weird html things in there?

I also wish you swore more in this blog.

Rain Delay said...

I wish that I had written this when I was a little more sober and thus, instead of the indecipherable bunch of horse shit that I wrote would actually follow through and finish the points I was trying to make. The point being, you can't write a critical piece re: the American Education System and its trickle down effect on the remaining parts of society while watching Dazed and Confused. I mean I am surprised there isn't a reference to the Moon Tower and the Soul Pole in here.

Anonymous said...

There's a woman in my office who swears all the time. Usually I tune it out, but after some extended tirades, it gets kind of annoying. And I think it ultimately hurts morale by creating a negative vibe in the workplace--assuming that you aren't swearing in a positive sense, like "I would totally fuck that guy's sister."

On another note, I would totally fuck that guy's sister.

- AF