Saturday, May 21, 2005

Wasting a Beautiful Day

So it's Saturday... and it is practically a perfect Spring Day. Of course, this means that I will be spending the day inside watching the Road Rules/Real World Challenge and probably playing a little Tiger Woods Golf 2005. But why does it have to be that way? Why do I sit inside all day instead of going out and enjoying the day that is... It's truly pathetic in thatI have this weird aversion to the minimal effort that it would take to do something out of doors but instead, I spend the entire day on my ass developing a nice case of swamp ass and chair booty.... While lamenting the fact that I am not doing anything with my life..

And the funny thing is that I make fun of my friends who sit around and play hours of World of Warcraft each day but I am the same except that I do not earn experience points for making myself dumber by watching MTV all day long... Even this self-bashing excerpt is not enough to motivate my lazy bones to move from my perch and turn off Meet the Barkers

Anyway, I have to get back to the couch... this writing requires too much effort..

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