Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Some Happy Thoughts

As I ran home from work today, I realized that I am a pretty happy camper these days. While it is true that I have consumer debt beyond my means, educational debt that will take me until I am put in the ground to repay, a job and career that I feel sucks the life out of me on a daily basis, and a nasty case of gas.... BUT I AM HAPPY...

And as such I figured that I would let you know what exactly has made me currently not mind living:

1. Baseball is back-- I know that I love sports and I know that it takes up too much of my life but yesterday, I stayed home from work and was able to catch the first Red Sox game of the season. As a result, I got to hear the first musings of the year from Don Orsillo and his partner in crime, Jerry Remy. Then, later that night, I got to watch the Yanks and their crack team of retards explain to me what exactly makes Yankees Baseball so much better than everything else on earth including cancer research, feeding the hungry, and striving towards world peace. But none of their cock smokery mattered because I realized that I would be able to watch my favorite sport for the next seven months or so... Moreover, it meant that all of the months of speculation are now over as the Red Sox finally get to play some real games and see exactly what the moves made during the off-season mean in terms of their success in 2006.. and so I was happy... (mark this one down, the Sox should piss me off soon enough.)

2. The Lights FINALLY Came Back On-- For the past several months, I have been running at night. Everyday when I get back from work, I put on my shoes, shorts, and top of choice and head out into the darkness to log my miles. To be quite honest with each of you, the fact that I have been spending most of my time running without the sun has started to bug the shit out of me. I mean I was getting downright depressed and I quickly was moving towards not being able to deal with another dance in the dark. Come to think of it, I probably saw that damn owl because he realized that I was becoming part of his nocturnal fraternity. And so, although I had to lose an hour of sleep in order to achieve my new found light, I might be the happiest person on earth that our clocks were moved ahead one hour last weekend so that I can now run during daylight hours. (A little sun never hurt nobody... actually that is not true at all... wear sunblock kiddies.)

3. Spring Has Sprung and People Are Nicer?-- It happens every year, the weather starts to warm up and people appear to lighten up a little bit and actually exhibit some emotion other than bitter bitter contempt when they encounter their fellow man. For example, just today on the run home, I experienced this thawing of human emotion as I received several smiles as I ran by people walking on the sidewalk we shared. Just months ago, I am sure that these were the same people who were trying to drive me into the street, the snow, the ice, the pits of hell, and anything else they could force me towards in order to abruptly end my run. But today, it was all smiles.... as well as some fine young gentleman actually cupped his cigarette when I ran by in order to avoid smoke heading my way... and so I guess maybe some of my faith in you bastards has been returned... (not all, some... we have a long way to go here people...)

4. One Word: ROADTRIP (that may be two words)-- That's right, this Friday, me and two buddies leave the confines of Gotham for points unknown in order to simply drive and get away. I have been on mini-roadtrips before but this weekend will be my first real trip where we could seriously end up anywhere... actually since we all have to work on Monday, probably not anywhere but we have nothing planned. It should be fun as we set our sights for warmer climates.. and hopefully the car will not break down and we will not have to eat each other to survive.. but then again, if that happpens, this blog would become a hell of a lot more interesting...

So there are some things that have made me happy lately... Oh I left out the fact that my half marathon this weekend turned out to be a giant success as me and one of my training buddies stuck 7 minute mile pace for the entire thing... now we just need to get faster, stay injury free, and focus... as there are eight weeks to go, we have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we are wearing sunglasses... HIT IT... (and yes, I probably used that line before in one of my posts but GOD DAMN, it is a great line and a good one to end the night on...)


1 comment:

Rain Delay said...

Thank you "anonymous" for commenting on my blog posting from April of 2006. Since its 2008, I barely remember what I posted, but I am glad that you were able to read it and then throw in not only a Heller Keller reference, who was not retarded by the way, but also an Ann Frank reference, in your commentary. Then, you were able to successfully able to juxtapose those references with the phrase "crippy boi." Your mastery of the written word is second to none. Kudos!