Friday, February 09, 2007


Thanks to the detective work of the my good friend Andrew of "Nobody Listens to Andrew" fame, I found out today that my old blog site,, has been hijacked by spammers.

As a result, no longer do you get an error when you go there, but are instead met with a variety of spam links for the topic of "drafts sportscenter." There are ten links there that seem to run the spectrum from Sports Center highlights to debt consolidation, which actually is an ironic snapshot of my life. I feel partially responsible for the old site's fate as I never imagined that my simple change to a shorter easier-to-type name would result in such a quick demise for the my other address. Sorry old friend, I never meant for that to be your fate. And so, I promise to hunt down the bastards that did this to you, and publicly execute them on this site filming it all on a cell phone that will most likely be snuck in Savage or Bob Jingle. THEY WILL PAY... AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, THEY WILL PAY!!!

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