Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Settlement Has Been Reached

My trial settled this morning before I started selecting a jury. This is a common occurrence, settlement right before trial, because much like poker, plaintiff's attorneys often bluff right up until the time of trial in hopes that they can squeeze more money out of the defendants. In this case, we threw in an extra $2500 on top of our previous $7500 that we had put on the case. In theory that means that the bluffing worked but in reality, the extra $2500 means very little. This is because this settlement in this case after all the fees have been paid will probably mean that the plaintiff sees less than 3000 of the actual settlement and that the plaintiff's attorney barely covers the cost of the time they put into this case. So for all that time and money, there is very little pay out and really makes you question the tactic of letting such a low value case go on for over six years as it would have been more profitable to get rid of this thing a lot earlier in process. Of course, attorneys are some of the dumbest people I know so this is not surprising in the least.

The good news is that with the case being settled, I have the next couple of days to make sure I continue to update this bad boy. I have some ideas in my head so come back here later today or tomorrow, and I should have something new posted.

Now off to write.

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