Saturday, September 10, 2005

Are You Awake Cause I am

I am up... it's 7 AM on Saturday and time to get to Boston. Apparently, my area of Brooklyn does not function before 7:15 AM on Saturday's because I just went to both the dry cleaners and the laundrymat and neither were open to take my dirty clothes. What up? I mean I am up they should be too.

Thankfully, the laundry mat opened at 7:10. Sadly, the nice Asian man at the laundrymat forgot my name again. I believe that he has some form of selective amnesia because at this point, he is remembering my name every other time I go in there. Other times and even creepier, he remembers calls me by the last four digits of my phone number, which is used as my laundrymat card code. I guess he gets some slack because he gets to handle my underwear on a weekly basis. I mean I don't even handle my underwear on a weekly basis.

Finally, a quick thought on New York City politics, how can a guy with the last name of Weiner run for Mayor here in New York City and further why does he have posters everywhere that say WEINER FOR MAYOR. I mean he does know that his name makes me and six year olds laugh for hours right? His commercials are even worse because the name is pronounced just like you would think it would be and concludes with the slogan, Weiner for mayor... I mean I know that it is juvenial and I know that I belong back in 4th grade, but his name is Weiner and sadly I cannot stop laughing. Once I hear the name, everything else he says is just background noise to my child-like giggling and laughter. Weiner... pee pee... oh whatever it's seven in the fucken morning...

I'm off like a prom dress.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am awake too.

Greg Tito said...

Despite what my blog says, I was actually sleeping at 7 this morning.

Anonymous said...

Try being up at 3:59 AM and having to go to work on a Saturday morning, that's just reality my friend. Add to that a 15.5 hour work day.