Thursday, September 29, 2005

Some Quick Updates

Since I am back on the wagon of blogging... (and possibly off the wagon in other parts of my life)... I figured I would highlight a couple of the blogs that I have added recently...

The first is Popstar, who is one of the my closest friends in the whole wide world... She was a roommate of mine in law school and helped me get through a lot of the bull shit that is my life and continues to do so. She is also one of the best attorneys I know and pretty much, fucken brilliant. She just started this blog, but already, her writing has proven to be amazing... read it or I will cut one of your arms off.

Next, McDougall's blog is by a friend of mine that I met through the now infamous Erminia from law school whose own travels and adventures could be a blog all by themself. I never knew that this individual wrote nor had an interest in writing, but apparently like Prince, she has entire catalog of writing that has never been put out there for public consumption... and she hates Edinburgh, Scotland... so what is there not to love here. Further, I think she may be just as angry as I am, which could threaten the future of the world and your personal safety. (No not you, the guy with the shoes next to you.. yeah him..)

Finally, J.A.'s blog is by a second cousin of mine who apparently is in Liberia. (Africa kids, Africa) My mother sent me this site, which almost resulted in me sending her a link to my own blog. I quickly decided that this was the idea of a mad man and simply thanked her for keeping me in the loop. I am very afraid that my parents would cry if they read what I write in the entries on my blog. I mean they are great but some of this shit cuts a little too close to home if you catch my drift. (I don't catch my own drift) Anyway, Jason's blog appears to be about his adventures in Liberia, and since I don't think anyone who reads this thing is there right now, you should read this to find out what that country is all about...I believe poverty, war lords, and a burgeoning adult porn industry... wear a condom that is all i am saying.

So read them, criticize them, and then, blame me for giving you something else to do instead of actually doing the work that you were hired to do.

1 comment:

McDougall said...

I did not realize that I was so angry until I started posting. You learn something new everyday. I do not believe that I can rival your rage though.