Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Well here I am at work on this incredibly muggy day in the City... Thankfully, my day has been made that much more enjoyable by the fact that since I have walked into the office this morning, I have had an extraordinary case of Body Odor or BO as he is known around these parts that is currently making me more than a little nauseous... and causing my eyes to water...

What is amazing is that over the course of the last 12 hours or so I took two separate showers and I even used SOAP that I applied quite sufficiently to the areas of current resistance... And yet, here I am hanging out in my office with my friend BO in all of his glory... What is even more impressive is that BO has managed to fight off both a change of undershirt and a two re-applications of deodorant... Apparently, I am dealing with new stronger BO, the likes of which the world has never seen.

The irony of my current status as THAT GUY in my office is that I constantly berate others for failing to take the appropriate measures to leave BO at home before they report to work in the morning in order to save the remainder of the office from their stench. I mean sometimes you wreak of certain things like booze that you just cannot avoid or atleast you cannot avoid after you have been up until 5 AM downing boilermakers... But BO can be avoided, atleast I thought, through general hygiene like taking a shower in the morning and applying deodorant thereafter... (Of course there is another possibility in that this may not be a case of BO but rather what I am smelling is the stench of my insides slowing but surely dying and rotting...meaning that I may not make it until five... let's hope it's BO...)

Consequently, this current bout with BO is causing me to reevaluate my entire morning ritual, as tomorrow, I will use a veritable cocktail of soaps and shampoos to eradicate BO. By acting in this manner, I hope to eliminate a repeat of today since I do not want to take the title of STINKY MAN ON CAMPUS from the guy who works in the file room who I believe cannot help bringing BO to work with him because he is homeless.. (hell is going to be so warm).. For now, I will remain in seclusion as a solid to my fellow man who need not to feel the ill effects of my friend BO.

1 comment:

Greg Tito said...

Take a shower, you douche.