Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thirty Ounces (Days) To Freedom

Today is the thirtieth and final day of my quest to regain control of my life. I have managed to make it through the past thirty days without partaking in any of the demons that had driven my life to the brink of being wildly out of control and fueled my penchant for self-loathing. Basically over the course of these thirty days, I have learned that my life does not need to revolve around being drunk or recovering from being drunk. Further, it has lead to me wanting to keep any future activities of consumption to a minimum so that I do not feel like I am wasting my time or my life sitting on the couch lamenting whatever it was that I did the previous evening... Clearly, I realize that I have a lot of work still to do, and clearly, I am not trying to take myself too seriously as there are people in this world, who have overcome problems that are far worse than the one's that I am dealing with... I guess the bottom line is that I needed to get my shit together and so far, I am well on my way to accomplishing that goal.



Andrew said...

Well done, my friend.
Well done.

Greg Tito said...

Shit is now, in fact, together.

What a strange expression. Are you actually tking your poop and molding it together like some brown playdough? Don't eat it. It's not salty, unless you drink soy sauce.

Anonymous said...

Congrats dude.
