Monday, August 29, 2005

Bring On The Work Week

Quick and dirty that is what I am laying down tonight... Today had to be one of the more productive Sundays, I have had in a very long time. I woke up and got some brunch with a couple of close amigos... One of the said amigos gave me a couple of books to read about writing and stuff like that... I am not trying to take myself too seriously when it comes to this writing thing because it is very much about allowing myself to be creative which I do not get to do at my job and to simply vent when I need to. At the same time, I think that no matter what the purpose is, I can always get better at this thing called writing. Moreover, I am interested in reading what others have to say about that goal. So, I will read the books and then see where I end up... Maybe right back here... maybe not... Whatever man.... WHATEVER.

In other news, I added a quote feature to the side bar of the blog... The one that is there right now is from Zoolander. It's long and slightly confusing, but I am sure you guys can wrap your minds around it. But if not, go down to your local high school and ask someone about the movie, the quote, the context, etc. Hopefully, you will get the answer before the police escort you off the property. Actually, this would be a great time to transition into my take on R. Kelly's performance to night at the VMA's, but I will let his "juvenile pissing on" ass be spared for another couple of paragraphs.

Another big part of the day was spent watching various sporting events on the TV including the Sox game, the Buick Open, and the Little League World Series... The recap goes like: the Sox won.... Faxon won the Buick Open in a playoff hole where each golfer had an amazing second shot onto the green during the playoff... and Hawaii won the Little League World Series on a walkoff homer in the first extra inning game since 1971... It was a surprisingly solid day in sports...

Oh and in case you have not heard, there is a hurricane coming that is going to smack the taste out of New Orleans sometime tonight or tomorrow. Apparently, this hurricane is a dirty Russian stripper of a hurricane because I believe they named her Katrina? Now, I feel bad for people in New Orleans and the other soon to be destroyed locations. I also feel bad for myself since I never made it to New Orleans before it was washed out to sea. I KID I KID... I am not trying to sound insensitive, but I am currently at the point of Hurricane Coverage Saturation as the news outlets like they always do, have decided to go into the END OF THE WORLD coverage mode. As a result, I cannot watch TV without being told about this hurricane. It was mentioned on ESPN, on the VMA's, and I am sure that Fox probably worked it into Family Guy just to make sure the viewers were kept informed. Of course, I have a problem with this, mainly because the only people that now need to know about the damn storm are those people in that area, who should have evacuated at this point AND NOT BE WATCHING FUCKEN TV....

Other things on TV tonight included Entourage, the HBO hit series (I wish I got paid to say that), which decided that every storyline that has been cultivated this season needed to be turned on its head in order to set us up for what should be a pretty amazing season finale. I am not sure what is going to happen but I like the "Jeremy Piven i.e. Ari firing" angle alot. They did not make it too much like Jerry Macguire, which would have been awful, and at the same time, the writers have provided Piven's character with the ability to now be completely insane. I mean he was insane before, but now he can explore his character as an unemployed and desperate individual. I mean he has no safety net anymore.

Also, the Video Music Awards were on tonight, live from Miami, with Diddy as the host. Sadly, I realized while watching this fiasco that I no longer am a part of the current MTV Generation. I will be turning my union card in tomorrow morning. I apologize to the union, but I cannot be your soldier anymore. Tonight's show which I caught bits and pieces of was some of the most over-produced piles of garbage that I have ever seen. This has been the trend in recent years with this show as MTV, which last showed a video in 1989 (yeah that is a cheap shot), tries to over entertain every chance they get. As a result, everything comes off very flat and unoriginal.

The music performances were awful with Green Day and The Killers performing songs that they have already performed live on multiple awards shows. Why not explore the other songs on their current albums, which if you do not own, you need to go out and buy immediately as there is not a bad song on either album. There was also an unnecessary retro performance by Hammer, which solidified the fact that his career is as dead as... let's go with... The Dave Chapelle Show and Mariah Carey's chest... As well, R. Kelly decided to grace us with a lip synch performance during which, I think. he acted out the ending to his recent music video drama that he has been working on... I was begging for him to urinate... But seriously, here is my question, whatever happened with the whole news story and the subsequent investigation about R. Kelly and his great urination escapade? I mean there was video tape and she was underage.... did this just go away? Was she paid off? How does he still have a career and how is he different than Michael Jackson right now? Is it because he did that song for Space Jam?

Sadly, Kanye West and My Chemical Romance, who each had exceptional performances, could not save this show... MTV should stick to acts like this and do away with disasters like Mariah Carey, Ludaris, Fall Out Boy (worst band I have ever seen), and whatever other shit they threw at me tonight...

Finally, Diddy used the entire evening to self-promote the shit out of himself... I am not his biggest fan, but I do find him to be slightly amusing only because he takes himself way too seriously. But was it necessary to bring out another post-mortem Biggie performance tonight? And was that planned before or after Suge Knight got shot last night? Further, is anyone surprised that Suge Knight got shot last night? Here in New York, the news is covering it like the beginning of another coastal rap war. Suge Knight has lived about ten years too long at this point, and I am sure this will not be the last time that he will be shot. I am not advocating this course of action only stating the simple fact that he has more than his share of enemies.

Further, who cares if this is another coastal rap war? Will anything actually happen or will there just be alot of talk about it for the next couple of months? At this point, they might as well make the entire thing into a one night only series of street fights on Pay Per View... I would pay to watch it...

I guess for now that is all that I got. 14 days off the sauce and counting... Although listening to Kurt Loder and John Norris recap the evening at the VMA's makes me want to down the bottle of Jack in my freezer... THANK GOD THEY ARE NOW REPLAYING THIS SHIT... Off to tear out my eyeballs and cut off my ears...

Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo this kid obviously fought kevin ford after a crew race... dave ward,ed marshal, and lee wigeon would be proud.. anoop too
