Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Off to See Caesar!!!

So when you start to feel glum and want to spend time with people that have no souls, you head to Vegas. And that ladies and gentleman is where I will be for the next couple of days fulfilling my yearly tradition of sun, fun, and unnecessary expending of government green. This will be my fourth trip in three years and I almost want to start planning for next year.

The funny thing is that I really do love Vegas and truly, I do not love it for those cheezy perks like whores, cocaine, and whores... I mean I have done those things while there... Okay maybe not but I did go to a strip club there once and we did hire strippers for my buddy's bachelor party who turned out to have extras for a price. In retrospect that had to be one of the scariest things that has ever happened to me in that I found myself having some coked out stripper asking me if I wanted to sleep with her for 500 dollars. I think I may have just given her that scared look an elementary school boy gives a girl who tries to kiss him. (I love to think my parents read this with horror each day that I post, but in truth, I am just happy that the four people that I know read it with horror.)

ANYWAY, I am off to Sin City tomorrow at 9 and will spend most of the time at the pool getting a bitchin' tan and drinkin' some fine foo foo lady drinks. I will gamble and lose but in the end, I will just be happy that I am away from all of this for a little bit. I need this vacation more than I can ever state and hope to come back with a plan for all that is fucking with me. Some would go to places of inspiration like France or Italy to cultivate their own personal world plan, but instead, I go to Vegas... I never said I was perfect... DON'T JUDGE ME!!!


Anonymous said...

Still glad I didn't pick LaGuardia. Be safe. Enjoy every second. And come back with that plan you speak of.

Rain Delay said...

Thanks. I will.

Greg Tito said...

When going to Vegas it is important to remember these words of wisdom that have been passed down for generations: Don't forget to tip your waitress.

Have fun and put 10 bucks on black for me. Always bet on black.