Friday, August 19, 2005

Odds and Ends

I was going to post a massive entry about my life and Phase III, but I have not figured out my life or what Phase III is or if it even exists. So instead I figured I would drop a few brief thoughts for the day...

1. If the 99 Cents Stores here in the City are not the closest thing to hell that exists on Earth, I am not quite sure what the fuck is. I went to one of these establishments this afternoon to pick up two things: garbage bags and a shower curtain. Now this is a pretty simple task in most normal stores, but in the discount boutique, this task becomes a test of both endurance and patience. First of all, these stores have never attended retail store school, meaning that they do not how to place products in the best location for them to sell easier nor do they subscribe to any form of organizational system. (Thus, they are the retail store equivalent of an elementary school without the Dewey Decimal System, which I do not believe is even used any more... that is scarring)... Further, the aisles are so packed with tons of shit because they never get rid of the crap that does not sell and rather simply restock by piling on top of the old non-selling stuff. As a result, you have to go up and down three different rows like you are living Dig Dug in order to obtain the item that you are looking for. Now that task would be ok if there were not also several hundred people, who have the same goal of saving money, in the store making the place more packed than a train in India. (That is not racist, Indian trains are packed, look it up) Anyway, after three hours (ten minutes) and the realization that they did not have an ATM, I left with my items.. but without my soul... Note: Someday we will discuss Walmarts in or near major cities and how they are actually just a sites for weekend riots and child torture.

2. I have Court tomorrow and have five or six motions to review this evening so that I get to argue them in front of a judge and generally scream at another human being, who is my opposition du jour. I have always been really competitive and actually look forward to these weekly sparring matches. Plus, sometimes I make the other attorney look pretty stupid, which is even a bigger boost to the old ego. Yeah I tend to be an adrenaline junky.

3. We played poker tonight. This was the first test of the 30-day plan in that this night is usually filled with all the evils that I am trying to avoid. The fellas, however, showed up with Gatorade, and we still had a great time. We probably even had more fun. (Weird) Thanks guys.

Maybe this is not so bad after all. Weekend looming... Day 3 complete.


Greg Tito said...

MMM, the gatorade is good. Another step in your process of rehydrating.

Poker was indeed fun, if only I could figure out how to not lose so much money all the god damned time.

Anonymous said...

if you wrote a book, I would buy are hilarious and I now know what to do when I am bored out of my mind at work...

jenny said...

The Dewey Decimal System is, in fact, still used but the card catalogue has bitten the dust.