Thursday, August 25, 2005

Golf Outing Part Deux

I played in another golf outing today and shot a less than acceptable 109. The course was Dyker Heights in Bayridge, Brooklyn, New York and was in unbelievable shape. Here is a view of the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge, which looms over the course providing amazing photo opportunities like these...

My front nine was decent as I shot a 48 and had two pars. I really was locked in and hit the ball solidly everytime. After the turn, however, I got a case of the yips and basically could not buy a shot closing with a 61. Golf has to be the most humbling sport that I have ever tried in my life, and I cannot even fathom how the pros hit the ball the way that they do with thousands of people watching and hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line... And then, there are guys like Tiger, who are able to dominate their peers almost everytime they compete... It's mind blowing, really...

Finally, here is a picture of my swing. It has to be one of the most brutal golf swings in the history of the game, but I swear to you that I hit the ball straight no matter what and off the tee I am lethal.... Of course, the remainder of my game leaves much to be desired....

And let's be honest, you're jealous.....


Andrew said...


Who are you?

And what have you done with our friend Rain Delay??

Anonymous said...

Golf Rules! It's very addictive and like you said humbling. Stick with it and you'll get better. When your game is on give me a call and I'll take you on.