Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Vegas Loose Ends

Well as I have had a little separation from Vegas and been to work for a solid day, I remembered a few interesting details and tidbits that I wanted to write down before I forgot:

1. I slept on the floor each night in Vegas. Now, I am not complaining in the least because my bedmate, SwB is a big dude like myself and there was just no way for us to sleep in the tiny bed at Caesar's.. And actually it was not that bad except for the hip pointer that I now have... (not sure that was interesting but I am just warming up)

2. It rained on the last day in Vegas and I mean it did not just rain for ten minutes as the storm lasted a decent 8 hours or so. It also included lightning which in the desert with nothing else around is pretty amazing. (wish I had a digital camera)

3. I saw Pete Rose while I was in Vegas. Now the thought of seeing Pete Rose in Vegas makes me laugh even as I write this mainly because for those that do not know, he was banned from baseball for gambling on the game. Something that he denied at the time but has now admitted. As a result, it was good to see that Pete has done everything he can to demonstrate that he no longer has a problem. I just wish I had caught him in the Sportsbook betting on the Reds.

4. Finally, if you are having a bachelor party in Vegas, try to get one dude in the party who does not look like Elephant Man. While in the pool in Vegas, my group saw one of the ugliest bachelor parties ever. Sadly, this criticism is why I will be forever single since I judge people too often... But come on, they could have rented somebody for the weekend.

5. The computer cost me five bucks a minute to use while in Vegas. Never question my commitment.

1 comment:

Greg Tito said...

Hey Pete, can you put 20 bucks on you never making the Hall? Thanks.