Tuesday, August 23, 2005


So after a week of no drinking, etc. and trying to cleanse my body of all the impurities that have wreaked havoc on it for the past decade or so, I am now sick. To me, the fact that I am now sick is the height of irony. I mean here I am trying to do good for myself, and I am rewarded with a banging headache, head cold, and general discomfort. As a result, I took yesterday off from work so that I could "nip this thing in the bud." Instead, the cold has fought off this preemptive strike and gotten worse. Anyway, I promise that once my head clears, I will write something inspiring about my work and the rooster that currently lives in my office. (Trust me on this one, it is always a plus to have a good cock around. Yeah I said it, judge me!!! )

For now, here is what I look like in my present state...

And here is what I look like when I awoke this morning...

(Ok, neither of those pictures are how I look right now, but they are how I feel... kind of like I got run over by an 18 wheeler, and then, the driver of that 18 wheeler proceeded to bang my girlfriend while I watched in a semi-paralyzed state from my hospital bed... that's a bit extreme, but I hate being sick.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look like Hell.

You look like you could use some weight loss pills.
