Saturday, August 13, 2005

Groundhog Day

As previously stated, I have been to Vegas four times in the last three years and each time right around this point i.e. Day 4, I hit the wall and want to go home. And this is exactly what has happened today. I am still enjoying myself, but I am ready to come home.

More importantly, for the first time probably ever, I am ready to make some simple but life alteringly effective changes. I don't want to talk too much about right now because:

a) I am paying to type this entry.
b) Talk is just that, talk. Action is what I need, not talk.

BUT these changes are very real and I am very serious about them.

Strangely, my buddy, Savage, whose blog appears in the links to the right, appears to have had a life-altering event in the wee hours of this morning. Read it. Our society is going to hell in a handbasket.

As for a quick rundown, here are two Vegas stories:

1) My group, who bills ourselves as the US National High Five Team, went to the hottest club in Vegas called Pure, which is owned by a group of famous athletes i.e. Andre Agassi, Steffi Graf, Shaq and Rich Gedman. Anyway, the club is located in our hotel and basically requires the donation of a kidney to gain admittance or be a hot hot girl. Since I value my bodily organs and have not had a sex change, my chance along with the other male members of the group had a snow balls chance in hell of getting in. BUT in Vegas, everything has a price... and thus, after paying some dude 75 bucks to cut the four hour line last night, our group found ourselves roof top at Pure overlooking the Vegas Strip... All and all it was a great night and the club was amazing.... not sure though if it was worth the coin.

2) Before, I went out last night, I realized that my flight back was for the wrong day in that I was supposed to come back Monday evening instead of leaving on Sunday evening as I planned. As I have already said, I am pretty ready to get back to the City, and thus, the thought of ONE MORE NIGHT was less than desirable. Thankfully, the good people at Continental squared everything away this morning, and I am now good to go, although I had to spend an additional hundred bucks (on my own credit card) to switch the flight... SO it's all good.

Back to the pool.

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